Depression Medication Not Working

Depression is a tough disease, at times it feels like everything is just right, and you are invincible. Other times your medications or holistic remedies aren’t working, there is no “one size fits all approach” for treating depression, and unfortunately no way to predict the outcome. When your treatment plan isn’t working it can feel like you are in a dark abyss with no way to get out. You look for some light in the darkness and it’s nowhere to be found. Suddenly you don’t feel like eating or you overeat, trouble sleeping, feeling alone, not wanting to be alone, crying, agitated, and anxious etc. You may not be responding to your current treatment plan, first consider we are human so we can get down from time like anyone else. If you feel the medication isn’t working call your doctor, or therapist right way. Depression has a way of getting out of control fast, at first it can be like a beautiful mythical dragon and the next it’s a fire breathing beast. 

***If you are feeling suicidal go to the hospital ER right away. Keep in mind that most medications can take 2-3 months to work however, if you notice that you feel suicidal, more agitation, deepening depression call your doctor right away.

These are some holistic remedies you can try, as add on or if you can’t get in for medical treatment right away.

Eating right
Stay hydrated
Vitamin B Complex
Stay away from things that trigger your moods.
Relaxing herbal teas
EFT tapping
Essential Oils
Flower Essence’s
Folic Acid
St. John's Wort Extract
Valerian Root
Passion Flower
Now Mood Support,
Vitamin D3
Verilux Happy Light

Other Resources

National Institute of Mental Health 
Phone: (866) 615-6464

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Phone: (800) 826-3632

Families for Depression Awareness
Phone: (781) 890-0220

None of this information replaces your medical doctor. You should always share with your doctor any herbal, and vitamin supplements you take. Michele Marchese is a Mind & Body Wellness Practitioner, not a doctor.


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