Many Moods Of Depression

How do you feel special in a world of so many alike, how do you shine bright. The tears come rolling down as the salt stings your skin. You are in a room with people you love, they love you and yet the don’t see the tears that roll down your face. You tell yourself tomorrow will be different you will shine bright, no tears will sting your skin, and someone just one person will see the real you. You have-choices you can be like a wallflower on your meds or you can be creative and not act dead. You can suppress the tears and conform to society and then ask yourself why. You can feel like your crumbling like a sugar cookie or feel all together, like hard candy. These thoughts swirl around like cream in coffee, only stopping once drunk and sipped with care. You hop up one minute as the energy is clear and next you slump down on your chair. Remember just this, there is always tomorrow as you ponder this and that. You may not shine bright as diamond but you are tough as an unpolished crystal. Loved despite its rough edges, and light still shines through.

Michele Marchese


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