Those Holiday Blues 

'Tis the time of year that sets me off into what I call a crying storm. I literally cry about everything, it starts out with the day my step father died, that day is November 1st, I loved him so much. There really isn't a day that goes by that I still don't reminisce about him. This time of year has always been set up as a time for happiness, great cheer, and yet some of us want to just stay in our beds until it's over. 

Don't get me wrong I bake a lot of cookies, shop, and prepare holiday dinner ideas, and yet ego gets in the way of the holidays and makes me even more depressed. Those TV commercials when people wake up to a Lexus make me look around to see if anyone else feels the same way I do. You start to feel like your lemon knot cookies don't matter, your holiday gifts for others are substandard.  Then my ego lets go and my soul takes over, and I realize that I'm being selfish, moreover there are many people that have more to cry about, at least I got to bake some cookies.

Believe me I have faith, and yes everyone wants to say, "Gifts have nothing to do with it, it's about the celebration". It truly is about the celebration, I know that as well as the rest of my family. Then you hear your inner voice all over again making you think about the have and have nots. 

We all have loved one that have passed on that we miss, and we have our own set of things that trigger more depression. 

Here is what I recommend:


Make special holiday decorations memoralizing those that have passed on.

Laugh!!! One year when my family had it particularly financially rough we wrote a funny Christmas song. 12 cookies burning, a cheap doll your princess niece will never open, the re gifting from Grandma, falalalalalalalalla..... you get the idea. Laugh instead of cry.

This is huge stop having anxiety over if the gift receiver will like your gift. If you spend more than 5-20 minutes worrying about it get them a gift card. If you truly think they'll hate your gift then don't bother. 

If you are on antidepressants from your doctor it can't hurt to make an appointment, let them know you were not coping well last year.

Keep the TV off

Shop online 

Take things slow, have the attitude if it gets done it gets done. You don't have to make 12 dozen cookies in one day. In fact make less cookies.

Eat right, get enough rest, and hydrate.

Get outdoors for a walk.

Volunteer, I really recommend going to nursing homes. The elderly are so happy to see you, you'll leave with a smile. Yes, I know there will always be one that asks you to leave them alone, so what if they lived this long they can be crabby.

Do Contemplative prayers, this should help you to center yourself back to what's truly important.

Use essential oils, I like to do holiday blends of frankincense, orange, cedar wood, cinnamon. What lift your mood when you smell it? Use that.

Bach Flower Essences Rescue Remedy is a must, your mood will shift on its own. 

Light therapy for depression. 

Make gifts instead of buying them, you will be giving part of your soul in that gift. That is the best gift ever, you're spreading your love, and healing your  soul at the same time.


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