How Can A Spiritual Intuitive & Wellness Coach Help Depression?

For years not only have I suffered from depression, most of my family has as well. I understand the pain it can cause first hand. What is most difficult is that at times you feel like you have nobody you can talk to, not even your therapist. I know what you're all thinking is that's all information is confidential and it is to a point. The difficulty is that all acts of domestic violence need to be reported by licensed professionals, and that becomes a problem for families dealing with depressive disorders that cause anger outbursts, and irrational behaviors. These behaviors may not be able to be controlled by your loved one due to their disease. I also get it, they cant just get a free pass to act how they want. How many people want to divulge all to get help, when that help just brings on more difficulty, and possibly financial strain? I decided to go to school for a degree that would allow me some leeway. I'm not advocating domestic violence, I am, however, creating a space that someone can get help without having to worry about the consequences. I also understand that the police or other authorities may need to be informed.

I don't know how many of you have seen the movie Silver Linings please rent it, it's a very good example of mental illness within the family. The son has Bipolar disorder, his father has Obsessive  compulsive disorder with an addiction to gambling, and the mother is the fixer with totally codependent behavior.  This almost could be my family, only for us it goes back a generation and we are all one ICD nine book of depressive disorders. My mother has untreated Bipolar disorder with severe paranoid behavior, not under any treatment, my step father is deceased, and  suffered from depression and PTSD he was in the Korean War. My brother has depression, with suicidal thoughts, and I suffer from Bipolar disorder and have had psychogenic seizures in the past. My husbands family, his father has an addiction disorder with depression, and mother is codependent.  My middle son and my daughter both have anxiety, and depression. My older son has resolved Anxiety disorder. Lastly, my husband is Bipolar, he has also been diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety disorder, and Bipolar disorder. I mentioned Silver Linings for a reason because at times many of friends, family or coworkers have asked me how I put up with my husband? The only person I could ever really talk to was my good friend Violet as she also had family members with depression Quite honestly I cried through this movie, here is a family much like mine, and they love each other despite the disease, as it should be!

I have been in and out of doctors, and therapists offices with my husband, and each visit honestly is worse than the previous. My husband has been on drugs that make him a zombie that sits in a chair and drools on himself every day, to having seizures seven times a day, to crying in his bed for a week, to raging out of control, (throwing objects, hitting walls, and screaming). Guess what no matter how many times I've gone into appointments with him and said, "You need to change his medication doctor. I've been told, " Who is the doctor"? I then reply, "You are welcome to come to our house for a week, and see if you can deal with the rage your prescription choice has caused". Doctor's answer to that is "Call the police and lock him up". Now I'm furious you've made his disease worse and now we should lock him up because you gave him something that made him 10 times more violent. When my husband isn't being given medicine that makes things worse he is a loving, caring and creative person. I'm not advocating that my way of helping others is for everyone, just that sometimes you can be helped in unconventional ways.

After several years of what I call substandard medical care I decided to take care of my husband. I had worked in the medical field for 33 years, and seen the decline of quality care. As a Mind, and Body Wellness Practitioner I have had more success with his care than previous years without my spiritual coaching and holistic remedies. My husband currently uses homeopathic, and herbal remedies with better efficacy than conventional medicine.

This blog will be about how a Spiritual Coach, and wellness practitioner can help if you suffer with any depressive disorders. Any advice from this blog does not replace your doctors advice. My wish is to be able to help individuals, and their families in a loving, and understanding way, knowing that you are working with someone that cares on a personal level. It is one thing to have a doctor to go to, and yet quite a hopeful way to live when you have someone willing to be a support system, healing with love, kindness, knowledge, and understanding.

You can schedule with me if your interested through my website:

Additional article showing how Bipolar ll shows up in one's life:


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