How The Darkness Of Depression Can Help You Heal 

Until we have seen darkness we truly don't know our essence, through the darkness your innate creativity begins- Michele Marchese

I wrote this quote after my journey of darkness and path to learning the alchemy of psychology. Many people who surround you both family, friends, and other people you are around on a day to day basis want you to stay positive, and see the bright side always. The problem is that not looking into the darkness will never let you heal. There is no amount of medical treatment that can rid you of that which you are responsible for, and that is being the caretaker of your soul. Sure things you've gone through since childhood maybe very difficult, even traumatic, and you may place blame on those that are responsible. Your soul journey needs to begin by healing your inner child, everyone compares this process to peeling back the layers of an onion. I compare this more to trying to get the heart of an artichoke, the little thorns really hurt unless you cut them all away, and the petals are hard to eat, and yet the heart is so soft and easy. The goal is to get yourself to the point that all the thorny areas are gone. During this uncomfortable and yet necessary journey you will illuminate that which is buried in the deep parts of your subconscious and will in turn release yourself from the bondage of what's holding you down. How can you heal unless you start from the beginning?

 I recommend:  

Listening to inner child healing meditation every night as you go to sleep. I like this one,

Journal everything, this includes all emotions no matter how dark. Writing is very therapeutic. 

I like the use of Flower Essences as they can help with the transition and balance the dark with the light. Without having a consultation for appropriate Flower Essence choice I recommend this to help you along the way,

Essential Oils that help balance emotions, I like cedarwood, frankincense, and clary sage. Purchase organic essential oils.

Gain knowledge about psychological alchemy, this will greatly help with your transformation. Spiritual Alchemy is a vast oasis of knowledge and it can be overwhelming. It helps by making you see a way of dealing with the depression on a spiritual healing level. Obviously books are knowledge, check back as I will post what I feel is useful information. 

In conclusion it is worth a journey into what maybe a much darker side of you, when a person is extremely depressed they often say things that make others feel they are so dark. This darkness can be harnessed into healing, and be used as a catalyst of change.


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