Light Through Mask Of Depression

Photo by John Noonan on Unsplash

For all of us that have lived with depression or anxiety. I encourage you to find a way to keep a bit of your shadow side. The darkness brings out creativity and artistic talent.

I would like to challenge all those that have a loved one, or friend that has a depressive disorder to truly see the person as they are, love them for who they are. I encourage you to look within your "soul", correct you! It took me years to find peace within myself, and ask for forgiveness to those I've tried to change. After all mental illness is just that an illness, one can control that only to a point, the rest is left up to their brain.

When your suffering with depression it's not like you can switch off the disease and suddenly all is well. Learn to use that as a catalyst of change. Find what's calling to you, if you feel like nobody understands put it into writing, drawing, or any other creative outlet. Remember if they've never had depression, then they are most likely judging and saying things like why don't you just snap out of it? Stop hiding in your room and sleeping. Start cleaning up this mess. I can't take your yelling or crying. I'm tired of taking care of everything. Why don't you try to stop over eating etc....Keep in mind, that in their mind they're helping.

When something has triggered your depression try to journal all of your feelings, additionally I recommend inner child healing for everyone, let yourself go back in time and embrace your inner child with shining light and love.

If your depression is untreated and years of current treatment hasn't worked the following is a list of holistic healing remedies:

Spiritual Intuitive Coaching will help you see the path to inner healing, and help you to contemplate, find a spiritual connection, and let go of what's not serving you.

The plan for spiritual peace:

Use essential oils, their vibrational energies can help you to see your inner strengths, and heal your spirit.

Meditation, guided imagery hypnosis,and tai chi can help you quiet your mind to find your true self.

Get any spiritually draining vampires out of your life, they are visible to you as you intuitively tell yourself " I don't want to be around this person another moment."

Forgiveness will set you free, this is a forgiveness that frees you, it's not a free pass for the one who pained you.

Flower Essences, over 400,000 species, I recommend these beauties as they truly have the power to relate to your specific need for transition to your "true self". Each flower has its own imprint, and heals physical, spiritual, and emotional difficulties. They will promote your inner seeing of the current situation.

Energy healing, such as Reiki, and Intergraded Energy Therapy.

Faith in what you believe in, what your spiritual and religious beliefs are, not what others believe you should believe in.

Vitamin and Herbal remedies such as,

All Vitamin B's, Calcium, Magnesium, Folic Acid, Ashwagandha, GABA, DMAE, 5-HTP, St. John's Wort Extract, Chamomile, Valerian Root, and Passion Flower.

My price is $30, for a 30 day supply, 60 capsules. Normal retail is $38.

I did the research to find an organic company that had all of these ingredients in one.

Everyone should take Vitamin D -3

* None of this information replaces your medical doctor. You should always share with your doctor any herbal, and vitamin supplements you take. Michele Marchese is a Mind & Body Wellness Practitioner, not a doctor.

My viewpoint is from both sides I suffer from depression and anxiety and have loved ones with depression.


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