Stillness of Depression

Written by Michele Marchese

When depressed it often feels as if the stillness lasts forever, we have no idea how we can emerge from the darkness of our shadow self. We want to feel again and yet somehow we know this is a time to heal on our own. Many of us can find our way out, and yet some struggle deeply. You feel like you're all alone on this journey and truly no one can understand. Remember you're not alone, the numbers are staggering nearly 300 million individuals worldwide have depression. and I'm sure those numbers only reflect those that seek treatment. Where is there someone who understands? The stigma of being mentally ill is still very much alive, recent campaigns to make people aware have helped somewhat. Many policemen have gained knowledge about dealing with people that are depressed. I want to say that if you have never had a family member with severe depression than most likely you have not a clue what they are going through. So what can we do as a society to stop this stereotyping, I think a good place to start is to understand that the depressive diseases are just like physical ailments, they didn't ask for the disease. Some people with neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's suffer from hallucinations. Did you know that some individuals were so abused as children that they have seizures called Psychogenic Seizures. The seizures behave just like seizures from other types of seizure disorders and yet they have perfectly normal EEG patterns. The point I'm making is so many still make judgments about people with mental illness, many individuals keep their mental illness to themselves as they don't want the judgement.

What can people do for their friends or loved one to be supportive:

Remember they have to want treatment.

If they're going to harm themselves or others call the police, remember to mention that the person you're calling about has a depressive disorder. Most of the time if you can get them settled down they're not arrested.

If they refuse therapy because they didn't like there last several therapists help them find a different one.

If it's your family member or yourself make sure to a eat nutritionally balanced diet, drink plenty of water, eat GMO free, Organic as often as you can.

Get outdoors in the sunlight or order a Circadian-Optics-Therapy-Bright-Spectrum light from Amazon.

Find a Psychiatrist that is a perfect fit for you.

Cleveland Clinic is now offering advice on alternative therapies for Depression.

I always recommend Vitamin, D, all B's, and Omega 3's.

You can see from my previous posts on this blog that I recommend, Essential oils, Spiritual Coaching, Flower Essences, Meditation, Guided Imagery Hypnotherapy. 

This is a new device that may be worth a look, The Fisher Wallace Stimulator®

As always check with your Doctor to make sure alternative therapies are right for you. 


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