Why Spiritual & Religious Beliefs May Help Depression

Discussing spiritual and religious beliefs in relation to depression isn't usually on top of the list of therapeutic modalities, moreover in this politically correct environment many may decide to leave this out of their practice. Fear of non acceptance is I'm sure on most professionals minds as they help their clients, afraid to ask that important question. What is your spiritual or religious belief? Depression and suicide has taken over our young society, however nothing remotely connected to teaching spiritualism in school settings has developed, and is absent in most homes. Spirituality and mindfulness should be taught, the child can keep their freedom on religion until they've educated themselves long enough to discern their truth.

As a Spiritual Coach I have found a higher instance of depression in clients who do not have a spiritual or faith connection. Those that can be redirected back to their spiritual connection heal faster than those without. It's time to add faith back into the world we live in today, the stress, and pressures on today's children far exceed past generations. According to an article taken from the American Psychological Association the teens don't even have the mindset to get enough sleep or eat right, they feel so stressed they skip meals, and lose sleep do to stress.

These are a few recommendations I make to clients, and of course they are free to implement them or not:

Meditate everyday, even if you start out at a few minutes and work yourself up to 30 minutes or more per day. Try doing this with friends, during any break time during your busy day. It's refreshing to take a meditation break.

Follow proper nutritional guidelines, and don't meal skip. It's easy enough to eat a piece of fruit, or other healthy snack if you have time constraints. Buy organically grown and GMO free foods as often as you can. Drink enough water throughout the day.

Find your faith and spiritual home, if no prior practices have been learned reading books on philosophy, theology, mysticism, and other studies can be a start. There are several internet based groups as well.

Sleep at least 7-8 hours per night.

Get outdoors into nature, go for a hike or bike ride. Sunlight will also help to keep your Vitamin D levels up, decreases in Vitamin D can be related to mood.

Contemplative prayer is a good way to feel your Divine connection with God. Just say whatever you feel, this time is a sacred and confidential way to let out whatever is in your mind. 

Use of essential oils, some of my favorites are Cedar wood, Clary Sage, and Frankincense. I recommend the book Medical Medium and here is an article on Anthony Williams blog about Angels and Essential oils.

In conclusion, human beings consist of both a physical and spiritual body. It's time to start nourishing the spiritual side, to help heal or minds. 


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