Don't Be Depressed The Sun Is Out

People have told me for a long amount of time to look at the small good things in life like sunshine since I have depression, but even things like that get me down. What can I do?

Wow! I heard this numerous times as a teenager. My Grandmother would say “It’s a big beautiful world out there, suns shining, and flowers are blooming”. I used to really hate it, I wondered why nobody could understand how truly depressed I was. I guess in hindsight, Grandma was just trying to turn my mood around. Guess what even though I suffered my whole life with depression I grew up to be a mother that said the exact same thing to her children. Seriously shame on me, they just wanted someone to really listen.
Flash forward to my mid 50’s now I understand, nobody can feel what you feel. It’s sad but true, they can get an empathic feel for your pain. This is why they helplessly try to cheer you up.
The obvious is to make sure you’ve seen a Psychiatrist, if you haven’t maybe it’s time to make an appointment. If you have then maybe an honest talk with your Doctor to discuss your current treatment modality.
That being said, what I learned after all these years of suffering is that I had to take control of my life. Here is s list of things that helped me:

I learned to embrace my darkness through writing, I started writing poems about how the depression felt. Some people use art as there outlet.
I began to work on inner child healing through meditation and hypnotherapy. Going back in time, embracing my inner child, and surrounding her in love.
I started to read everything I could about spirituality, psychological alchemy, and soul journey.
I learned that through shedding my egotistical ways, my current sense of myself , that I could be truly awakened. It was very hard for me to let go of my darkness, and controlling ways. In the end I emerged in a much clearer, much less depressed state of mind. There are many good books available that discuss how to shed your ego. This is one of my favorites, Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life by Thomas Moore
I learned to actually “see” and “listen” be centered , live in the moment, keeping all worry and anxiety out of my mind. I use meditation to help. I love Insight Timer App and it’s free!
Find what you love to do, surrounding and emerging yourself into what makes you happy.
Try a holistic approach by using essential oils to either uplift your mood or calm anxiety. Flower essences are little gems in a bottle that can heal on a energetic, and emotional level.
Lastly be forgiving to others as it not only sets you free, it also provides understanding others as not everyone understands depression.


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