What Can I Do When My Depression Gets Worse

What can I do when my depression gets worse?
From Michele Marchese as answered on Quora. 

If your on medication it may need to be adjusted, if not you may need to be on something. Talk to your Doctor. I suffered for years with depression and had to get the medications adjusted a couple of times. I decided to be an advocate for myself and researched all medications available. I brought all my research to the Doctor and said “according to what I’ve read this medication covers a broad span of depressive disorders, please prescribe it”. Best thing I ever did for myself! My depression calmed down.
If friends and family have never suffered depression then It’s difficult for them to understand. Always talk to someone if you feel you are going to harm yourself! So what can you do for yourself if you are medically treated, and need more to help your depression. Meditation, exercise, sunshine, writing thoughts in a journal, inner child healing, hypnotherapy, therapy, coaching, flower essences, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B’s, phototherapy, and essential oils can all be beneficial. Find an outlet for your feelings through art, poetry, or any hobby that keeps you busy. Spiritual and religious practices have been proven to reduce stress, therefore helping other physical, and depressive disorders.

Lastly there are many beneficial alternatives such as CBD’s, and many other herbal remedies. Some may interact with medication you’re already taking. Always talk to your Doctor!


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