Going Stir Crazy When Disabled

Being disabled often brings about feelings of loss, sadness, uselessness. You miss everything you used to be able to do. In the beginning it can feel like you're on a vacation and soon the honeymoon is over, and boredom sets in. If your disability causes pain it's even worse because it limits many tasks people take for granted, such as walking, grocery shopping, and grooming.
I recommend daily routines such as eating at the same time, getting up at the same time, and exercising at the same time each day. Having a hobby or something that you do each day to keep yourself occupied, other than TV. You can take online classes, start a blog about things you're interested in, find a way to help others, volunteer once a week, get outdoors and walk if you can. If you can't walk still make sure to get outside in the sun. Participate in online groups or create a group, you can do research on relevant posts. Add things into your daily routine such as meditation, contemplative prayer, Tai Chi. Discover new things.
If you suffer from pain or depression look for alternative holistic methods to add on to your doctors recommendations, also add more things into your daily routine, such as:

EFT tapping.

Energy Healing.

Use of Essential Oils, Flower Essences, or herbal remedies.

Join a support group that relates to your disability.


Light therapy.

Spiritual or wellness coaching.

Holistic nutrition.

Additionally, keep a journal each day it will help you reflect, and give you inspiration to push on despite the disability. Remember you are not the disability, your soul is separate from your human form. When you are having a bad day acknowledge your pain or emotion and then move on through your day as best you can. I truly understand!

As seen in Quora by Michele Marchese
Photo source: Unknown 


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